Best Paint Brush For Stencils

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  1. Best Paint Brush For Stencils Making
  2. Stencil Brushes Set
  3. Best Paint Brush For Stencils Free

A foam paint brush is just the right tool for arts and crafts. Thick-handled styles are perfect for kids to grab onto — just keep them away from the walls. Lightly dip the tip of the stencil brush or sponge into the paint (do not saturate - you want just a little). Work the paint into the bristles by dabbing/swirling the paint in a fresh/dry area of your plate, then blot off any excess paint on a paper towel.

Reusable Plastic Stencil Nursery Sign

Today I'm going to show you how to paint with our reusable plastic stencil on this adorable nursery sign!

I'm going to be using our most popular stencils, the mylar plastic stencil and our low-tack vinyl stencil. I chose Mylar because it's a durable, pliable plastic that allows for a stencil that you can use over and over.

We do also have other stencil material options on our website that would work for this project.

You can customize your stencils by choosing the name, font and size on!

Let's get started.

Wood Sign Base (mine is a Hexagon Cutout made from Baltic Birch)
Custom Stencils
Stencil Brushes or Sponges
Latex Paint
Spray Adhesive (I'm using Craft Bond)
Masking Tape
Protection for the Workspace (I'm using butcher paper, but newspaper or cardboard works too!)
Paper Plate
Paper Towels

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Vivaldi's women ospedale della pieta. Vivaldi and The Ospedale della Pieta' Bio Contact Venice, Vivaldi, and the Ospedale della Pieta' This seventeenth-century illustration of the Ospedale della Pieta' from the Correr Museum in Venice shows the building as it probably looked in 1715. This is the Ospedale that.

Best Paint Brush For Stencils
  • Materials

    For this DIY project, you'll need a wood sign base (I used a Baltic Birch Hexagon), Custom Stencils, stencil brushes or sponges, paint, spray adhesive or tape, a pencil, a ruler, protection for the workspace, paper plate for paint and paper towels.

  • Reusable Plastic Mylar Stencil

    First, I'm going figure out the perfect placement of my first name mylar stencil on the wood hexagon.

  • Figure the Placement of the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Woocommerce stripe reviews. Our mylar stencils are somewhat transparents and come with a uniform 3 inch border around the letters to make for easy placement on any board.

    I'm going to use this border as a guide by placing my stencil on top of my board where I want the name to be and then making sure the overhang on either side is even using the ruler.

  • Mark the Placement of the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Using a pencil, I'm going to mark on the stencil, where my board ends on either side to use as a guide while attaching.

  • Decide How to Attach the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Now it's time to attach the stencil to the board so it doesn't slide around while I'm painting!

    There are a couple ways to do this with a mylar stencil, you can either tape the stencil in place using the painter's tape or use spray adhesive.

  • Tape Down the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    If you are choosing to tape your stencil in place instead of using spray adhesive, tape it now while you have the perfect measured placement!

    Use the tape to secure the stencil on both the top and bottom.

  • Use Spray Adhesive on the Back of the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Since this Mylar reusable stencil is large, I'm going to use spray adhesive, because it makes for a crisp edge around the letters and reduces the risk of paint bleeding under the stencil.

    Make sure your workspace is well covered and well ventilated.

    Shake really well and very lightly spray the back of the stencil, wait a few minutes, and then place it on using your pencil lines as a guide.

  • Press Firmly onto the Wood Sign

    Press down on the stencil, especially around the letter edges.

  • Paint the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Let's paint! I'm using an latex paint in pink.

  • Painting Tips

    The trick to getting a crisp line is to use a dabbing or stipple technique with very very little paint on the brush. I'm talking next to no paint on the brush.

    Wipe any extra paint on the paper plate or a paper towel.

    Whether I used spray adhesive or tape, I like to hold the stencil down around the letter edges while I'm painting, just to ensure no movement or bleeding.

  • Peel Off the Reusable Plastic Stencil Once Dry

    Let the paint dry just a bit and then remove your stencil. Look at that! Perfect lines!

    When you are using mylar, your stencil can be reused so don't forget to clean it.

    The paint can be removed with soapy water. To remove the spray adhesive from the stencil, you might need to use some paint thinner.

    Store flat until you are ready to make another sign!

  • Apply the Second Stencil for the Middle Name

    The middle name is a separate stencil for this project, so now that the paint has dried, I'm ready to apply it!

    I've chosen another one of our reusable stencils, our low tack vinyl stencil to show how this works as a stencil as well.

    This stencil is self-adhesive and can be used a handful of times.

    Just stick it right on and using the stipple method, paint your name!

    This is a great material for small stencil projects.

  • Finished Nursery Sign

    And there you have it! A fabulous custom nursery sign!

  • Another Look at your New Wood Sign

    This technique using our reusable stencils is great for many different signs, projects and home decor!

Products Used:

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Choosing the Right Brush for the Job


How many times have you heard that it's important to use the right tools for the job? As a novice stenciler, I just grabbed up a variety of brushes at the local crafts store and went at it. It wasn't until much later — once I had actually used a quality stencil brush — that I realized how much difference the proper brush can truly make. Since those early days, I've had the opportunity to experiment with a variety of brands, shapes, and sizes of stencil brushes. Here are the results of that research…

General Tips

  • Choose good quality brushes with NATURAL bristles. Many stencil companies carry stencil brushes. If you prefer to shop locally, I also like the blue-handled Plaid Stencil Decor brushes.
  • When possible, feel the brush. Grab it around the bristles to see that they are densely packed. Swirl and pounce it on your hand and the store shelf to get a feel for the way it handles and how flexible the bristles are. Even within a brush line, there can be slight variations.

Stencil Brushes – Top Picks


Overall Favorites

Best paint brush for stencils online

For general use, here are my favorite brush lines:

  • Materials

    For this DIY project, you'll need a wood sign base (I used a Baltic Birch Hexagon), Custom Stencils, stencil brushes or sponges, paint, spray adhesive or tape, a pencil, a ruler, protection for the workspace, paper plate for paint and paper towels.

  • Reusable Plastic Mylar Stencil

    First, I'm going figure out the perfect placement of my first name mylar stencil on the wood hexagon.

  • Figure the Placement of the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Woocommerce stripe reviews. Our mylar stencils are somewhat transparents and come with a uniform 3 inch border around the letters to make for easy placement on any board.

    I'm going to use this border as a guide by placing my stencil on top of my board where I want the name to be and then making sure the overhang on either side is even using the ruler.

  • Mark the Placement of the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Using a pencil, I'm going to mark on the stencil, where my board ends on either side to use as a guide while attaching.

  • Decide How to Attach the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Now it's time to attach the stencil to the board so it doesn't slide around while I'm painting!

    There are a couple ways to do this with a mylar stencil, you can either tape the stencil in place using the painter's tape or use spray adhesive.

  • Tape Down the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    If you are choosing to tape your stencil in place instead of using spray adhesive, tape it now while you have the perfect measured placement!

    Use the tape to secure the stencil on both the top and bottom.

  • Use Spray Adhesive on the Back of the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Since this Mylar reusable stencil is large, I'm going to use spray adhesive, because it makes for a crisp edge around the letters and reduces the risk of paint bleeding under the stencil.

    Make sure your workspace is well covered and well ventilated.

    Shake really well and very lightly spray the back of the stencil, wait a few minutes, and then place it on using your pencil lines as a guide.

  • Press Firmly onto the Wood Sign

    Press down on the stencil, especially around the letter edges.

  • Paint the Reusable Plastic Stencil

    Let's paint! I'm using an latex paint in pink.

  • Painting Tips

    The trick to getting a crisp line is to use a dabbing or stipple technique with very very little paint on the brush. I'm talking next to no paint on the brush.

    Wipe any extra paint on the paper plate or a paper towel.

    Whether I used spray adhesive or tape, I like to hold the stencil down around the letter edges while I'm painting, just to ensure no movement or bleeding.

  • Peel Off the Reusable Plastic Stencil Once Dry

    Let the paint dry just a bit and then remove your stencil. Look at that! Perfect lines!

    When you are using mylar, your stencil can be reused so don't forget to clean it.

    The paint can be removed with soapy water. To remove the spray adhesive from the stencil, you might need to use some paint thinner.

    Store flat until you are ready to make another sign!

  • Apply the Second Stencil for the Middle Name

    The middle name is a separate stencil for this project, so now that the paint has dried, I'm ready to apply it!

    I've chosen another one of our reusable stencils, our low tack vinyl stencil to show how this works as a stencil as well.

    This stencil is self-adhesive and can be used a handful of times.

    Just stick it right on and using the stipple method, paint your name!

    This is a great material for small stencil projects.

  • Finished Nursery Sign

    And there you have it! A fabulous custom nursery sign!

  • Another Look at your New Wood Sign

    This technique using our reusable stencils is great for many different signs, projects and home decor!

Products Used:

Related Articles

Choosing the Right Brush for the Job

How many times have you heard that it's important to use the right tools for the job? As a novice stenciler, I just grabbed up a variety of brushes at the local crafts store and went at it. It wasn't until much later — once I had actually used a quality stencil brush — that I realized how much difference the proper brush can truly make. Since those early days, I've had the opportunity to experiment with a variety of brands, shapes, and sizes of stencil brushes. Here are the results of that research…

General Tips

  • Choose good quality brushes with NATURAL bristles. Many stencil companies carry stencil brushes. If you prefer to shop locally, I also like the blue-handled Plaid Stencil Decor brushes.
  • When possible, feel the brush. Grab it around the bristles to see that they are densely packed. Swirl and pounce it on your hand and the store shelf to get a feel for the way it handles and how flexible the bristles are. Even within a brush line, there can be slight variations.

Stencil Brushes – Top Picks

Overall Favorites

For general use, here are my favorite brush lines:

  • Heart of the Home Stencils

These are all good quality private label brushes. There are probably many more brands of similar quality available from other stencil designers. These happen to be the brushes I've used the most and have had good results with.

For Fabric

Best Paint Brush For Stencils Making

Whimsical Walls Stencil Brushes: The split bristles on these brushes are specially designed to hold a LOT of paint, and the domed shaped helps get in between the fibers of your fabric when you need solid, even, coverage. They are perfect for painting those canvas tote bags, aprons, etc. — I used them to stencil a multitude of black checks on a canvas room screen for a project in Debbie Mumm's Creative Stenciling.

Stencil Brushes Set

Shading & Shadowing

Delta Stencil Magic® Super Shader Brush: This brush has curved edges and wide flat shape that make it ideal for adding shading and creating shadows.

Best Paint Brush For Stencils Free

Brush Care

Once you have the tools you need, try to take better care of them than I do mine, and clean Weechat slack. them after use! When I do remember to clean my brushes, I use Murphy's Oil Soap and a brush scrubber. This combination can even remove dried paint.

Brush scrubbers are usually available from the same Stencil Companies who offer quality brushes. Or you can just borrow one of your kids' fuse bead pegboards, which are, as near as I can tell, simply more colorful versions of what the stencil companies sell as brush scrubbers.

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